Gift Idea!

18 Dec

It’s almost Christmas time! Only 7 more sleeps until you get to open all of your presents. While it’s amazing to open great presents, it’s even better seeing the face of someone as they open a really great present that you got them. The trick is finding that really awesome gift. Some people are impossible to buy for. They don’t seem to have any hobbies, they aren’t into sprots and anything they might need they buy themselves. You still want to get them something awesome but what? Well instead of wracking your brain, check out United Way Ottawa’s new online way to give,


Gift of Change is an online gift giving system that lets you give a gift to both someone important in your life and also to the community. When you visit the site you’ll get the opportunity to choose from a number of different gifts that range from $35 to $125. The cool part of Gift of Change is the gifts you can give. You can help a newcomer start a new life in our community by helping them find a job that matches their skills or help a child grow up great by supporting activities that help him develop social, language, literacy and math skills so he can start school ready to learn. Whichever gift you get, you can be sure that it is making an impact in the community. Once you’ve selected your gift(s) you get to personalize a card and decided if you want to send it electronically or print it off. The last step is to pay and you’re all done! So if you’re still looking for the special something or someone special check out You could always get one for me!giftofchange

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